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ENVLJ Version 7
Copyright 1989, Steven D. Stern.
All Rights Reserved
ENVLJ is NOT free; it is distributed on a SHAREWARE basis. The
shareware concept is simple. If you use this program, you must
pay for it. If you try it and discard it, forget it.
The license fee is $25.00. Please make a check payable to
"Steven Stern" and mail it (with this page) to:
Steven Stern
1213 Glencoe Avenue
Highland Park, IL 60035
NAME ________________________________________
ADDRESS ________________________________________
C,S,Z ________________________________________
I obtained ENVLJ from:
Compuserve _____
Shareware Distributor
Name? _____________________________
Bulletin Board
Name? _____________________________
Number? _____________________________
An Envelope Printing Program for the Hewlett-Packard
LaserJet Printers
What is ENVLJ?
ENVLJ is a program which prints envelopes on the LaserJet,
LaserJet+, and LaserJet Series II(D,P), III(D), or any other
printer which can emulate the HP command set. It does not re-
quire a font cartridge; it uses the internal landscape 10-pitch
font. Special envelope trays or paper feeders are not required.
Copy the files ENVLJ.EXE, ENVDOC.PRT, READ.ME and ENVLJ.HLP onto
the disk from which you intend to use the program. No other
files are required.
ENVLJ uses the printer connected as the system's default printer.
To determine whether your LaserJet is connected as the default,
copy this file to PRN; e.g.,
The output appears on the system's default printer. If you wish
to use another printer (or "print" to a file), see Advanced Uses,
Printing an envelope
First, be sure your printer is turned on and on-line.
Next, type ENVLJ at the DOS prompt.
Your screen will be filled with an "envelope". Use the cursor
keys to move from field to field. The fields at the upper left
are for the return address. The fields in the center are for the
mailing address. Fill in the fields and select "Print!" from the
The Menu:
Commands to this program are selected from a menu. The menu
appears at the top of the screen, and becomes active when
you press the escape (ESC) key. Select items from the menu
by pressing the first character of the command or by moving
the highlight to the command with the cursor keys, then
pressing "ENTER". Pressing ESC within the menu will return
you to the data entry portion of the screen.
Menu commands which end with an exclamation point (e.g,
"Print!") are executed immediately. Other commands have
ENVLJ - Version 7.37
Copyright 1988-1990, Steven D. Stern. All Rights Reserved.
When you're ready to print an envelope, select "Print" from
the menu.
At your printer, feed an envelope into the manual feed slot.
Slide it in gently, until you hear a click and whir. The
printer will move the envelope about 1 inch. In about 1-2
seconds, the printer will begin to move the envelope.
On a LaserJet and LaserJet+, the manual insert slot is on
the back of the printer. Align the bottom of the envelope
with the red line on the manual feed tray.
On the LaserJet Series II and III, adjust the guides on top
of the paper tray for the height of the envelope. The bot-
tom of the envelope should be on the control panel side of
the printer. Open the rear exit door to avoid jams.
Leaving the program:
Select "Quit!" from the menu.
The Database
Since you're likely to mail to the same addresses again and again
(for those companies that bill with a postcard and don't send
envelopes), you can create a "database" of addresses. The ad-
dresses are stored in ENVLJ.DAT, which must be in the current
Note: You can specify another data file on the DOS command
line when ENVLJ is started (e.g., ENVLJ ENV2.DAT). You
can also specify a file on another directory. See
"Where is the Data File", below.
The database is used to store definitions of (1) envelopes, (2)
fonts, (3) addresses and (4) printer setup information.
It can include of up to 128 addresses, 32 fonts, and 32 en-
Adding items to the database:
You can add addresses, fonts, and envelopes to the data base
by selection "Options / <type> / Add" from the menu, then
filling in the data and selecting "Save" from the menu.
When adding an address, the address on the main envelope
screen is copied onto the "add" screen.
ENVLJ - Version 7.37
Copyright 1988-1990, Steven D. Stern. All Rights Reserved.
When adding fonts, use the character "~" (the tilde) in
place of the escape character. The Laserjet manuals show
the escape character as "ESC", "EC", and "\027". When ENVLJ
sends a font string to your printer, the tildes are replaced
with the correct ESC character. To make one font the
default font, select OPTIONS/DEFAULTS/FONT.
To add envelopes, see "Advanced Uses", below.
Extracting Mailing or Return address from the file:
The OPTIONS/ADDRESS/SELECT (F4) command copies a single ad-
dress from the data file to the return- or mailing-address
portion of the envelope screen.
To address envelopes using the addresses on file, select
"O/A/M" or "O/A/R" from the menu. Place an "x" to the left
of the addresses you wish to use. Press "ENTER" to copy the
address to the envelope screen. To make one address per-
manently the return address, use OPTIONS/DEFAULTS/RETURN.
Printing multiple envelopes from the data file:
The OPTIONS/ADDRESS/BATCH command prints one or more en-
velopes directly from the data file.
Select "O/A/B" from the menu. Mark each address for which
you will print an envelope with an "x". Select "Print!"
from the menu to print the envelopes. (Please note that,
depending on the amount of memory in your printer, your PC
may "hang" until the last envelope clears the printer.)
If you wish to print an envelope for every address in the
file, don't bother to mark the addresses. Just select "All"
from the menu.
Where is the Data file?
ENVLJ assumes that all files that it wants are on the cur-
rent directory, unless you tell it otherwise. That is, if
you start ENVLJ with no command line parameters, it looks
for the file "ENVLJ.DAT" on the current directory.
If, however, you specify a data file on the command line, it
will find that file. For example, you could run ENVLJ by
In this case, ENVLJ will use "D:\ENVDATA\ENVLJ.DAT" as it's
data file, but it will continue to assume that any other
files you specify are on the current directory unless you
full specify the drive and path when you enter the file
ENVLJ - Version 7.37
Copyright 1988-1990, Steven D. Stern. All Rights Reserved.
To tell ENVLJ to use another directory as its default data
directory, set the environmental variable "ENVLJ". For ex-
will cause ENVLJ to treat "D:\ENVDATA" as the current direc-
Mono vs. Color Video
The data fields on the screen use the underscore video attribute.
While this looks great on a monochrome adapter, it is not sup-
ported on most color boards. It is entirely possible, therefore,
that you won't see "fields" into which you can type. As you move
from field to field, however, the current field is shown in
reverse video, which is supported on all boards. On the
monochrome PS/2, the underscore attribute appears as a dashed
On color screens, typing CLS after exiting ENVLJ will restore
your default DOS colors.
LaserJet vs. LaserJet vs. LaserJet
For each envelope to be printed, the program sends a series of
commands to the printer. This causes a LaserJet to display "PE"
and a LaserJet-II to display "ENVELOPE", and sets both for manual
feed mode. On the LaserJet-II and -III, the manual feed light
resets after the envelope has been printed. On the LaserJet, the
manual feed light resets when it prints the next page.
The Laserjet IIP, IID and IIID, with their ability to support ad-
ditional paper trays and envelope feeds require some special han-
dling within ENVLJ. For more information, see "Advanced Uses",
ENVLJ - Version 7.37
Copyright 1988-1990, Steven D. Stern. All Rights Reserved.
Advanced Uses
ENVLJ uses whatever fonts you specify. If you don't specify
any fonts in the data file, ENVLJ will use the printer's
default landscape font. This is usually "Courier", at 10
characters per inch and 6 lines per inch. (Note: This is
the Post Office's preferred font, pitch, and spacing.) Cer-
tain cartridges (i.e., "F") may change the default font.
The LJ+, LJII, and LJIII allow the user to load other fonts
into the printer's memory and assign them identifying num-
bers. You can instruct the printer to use one of the soft
fonts by defining the appropriate setup strings in the data
file and selecting "Options/Font" from the menu.
Note: You must declare your downloaded fonts as PER-
MANENT. ENVLJ sends a reset sequence to the
printer (ESC-E) at the start of each envelope,
clearing fonts and other data not declared as
"permanent". The font must also be LANDSCAPE in
Envelope Sizes:
You may define up to 32 envelopes in the data file. If none
is defined, ENVLJ defaults to "Legal/LJ" (see table, below).
Envelopes are defined with a name, and row and column loca-
tions for the first character of the return address block
and the mailing address block. For your reference, some
standard row and column locations are:
Type Ret Mailing
Pers/LJ 28,37 39,60
Pers/LJII 15,37 26,60
Legal/LJ 25,20 36,60
Legal/LJII 12,20 23,60
Of course, column locations will depend on the pitch of the
selected font.
To define additional envelope types, select the font you wish to
use from the menu, then select "Options/Grid". The alignment pro-
cedure prints a full page grid, using the HP escape sequences to
locate a reference point every 5 rows and columns. Since ap-
proximately 20 bytes have to be sent to the printer for each
point, it takes a while to generate the grid. Please be patient.
ENVLJ - Version 7.37
Copyright 1988-1990, Steven D. Stern. All Rights Reserved.
Too many addresses?
A single data file is limited to 128 addresses. If you have
more, select "OPTIONS/ADDRESS/LOAD" from the menu, enter the
name of another data file, then press "ENTER".
Printing to a file or another printer:
By default, ENVLJ uses whatever device is the system's stan-
dard printer. DOS refers to this device as "PRN", the "C"
language as "stdprn". You can tell ENVLJ to use any device
as its "printer" by specifying an environment variable with
the DOS SET command.
For example, to use the printer connected to the second
parallel port (LPT2), type "SET ENVPTR=LPT2" at the DOS
prompt before running ENVLJ. Similarly, you can print to a
file by specifying a file name: "SET ENVPTR=C:\ENV.OUT".
There should be no spaces between the equal sign and the
start of the target device name.
Printer Options:
Some printers may already have envelope feeders or other
mechanisms for gracefully dealing with envelopes without
resorting to using a Manual Feed option. By default, ENVLJ
sends a manual feed command to the printer. It can be dis-
abled from the Options/Default/Printer menu option.
Other printers may be able to feed an envelope without turn-
ing it sideways. By default, ENVLJ prints in landscape
orientation. The landscape command can be controlled from
the Options/Default/Printer menu option.
The Printer Options screen also gives you the ability to
send a user-defined setup string to the printer. This
string could be used, for example, to switch to an auxiliary
input tray or envelope feeder. If no string is defined,
none is sent. If you enter a string, use the "~" in place
of the ESC character specified in your printer's reference
When printing an envelope, ENVLJ does the following (in the
order shown):
-- Printer Reset (~E)
-- Landscape (~&l1O)
-- Manual Feed / Envelope (~&l3H)
-- Font Definition
-- Additional Printer Setup
-- Address
ENVLJ - Version 7.37
Copyright 1988-1990, Steven D. Stern. All Rights Reserved.
For the LaserJet IIP, it may be necessary to adjust the Top
Margin to get the bar codes to print in the correct loca-
tions. On the IID, you may have to turn off manual feed and
landscape and enable the envelope feeder if you have the en-
velope feeder attachment. Unfortunately, trial and error
and a close reading of the printer's reference manual are
the only ways to get everything set up correctly.
ENVLJ - Version 7.37
Copyright 1988-1990, Steven D. Stern. All Rights Reserved.
Bar Codes
One of the advanced features of ENVLJ Version 7 is its ability to
print Postinet and FIM bar codes. These bar codes are used by
post office scanners to sort and route mail without human inter-
Postinet codes are those little bars on the lower right portion
of the envelope. FIM bars are on the top of the envelope, just
to the left of the stamp.
In the normal course of things, your letter is put into a machine
at the Post Office which cancels the stamp, looks for bar codes,
"reads" the zip code if there is no bar code, and sends the en-
velope to the appropriate bin. The USPS prefers bar coded mail
and, in fact, offers discounts for its use. (Contact your local
Postmaster for details.)
If you have a Laserjet+, Laserjet II, Laserjet IIP, or Laserjet
IID, ENVLJ can print bar codes on the envelope. Bar codes are
printed if:
You define a Postinet print location for the envelope and
you have a 5 digit ("60611") or 10 digit ("60611-1575") zip
code at the end of the last non-blank address line.
The Post Office scanners look for the printed address in an imagi-
nary rectangle which extends from 5/8" to 2 3/4" from the bottom
of the envelope, with 1" margins on each side.
The bar code print location should position the bar code such
that the leftmost bar is between 3 1/4" and 4" from the right
edge of the envelope and the bottom of the bars is 1/4" from the
bottom of the envelope.
The FIM code tells the post office scanners to look for the bar
codes. The FIM pattern should be no lower than 1/8" from the top
edge of the envelope and should lie in an imaginary rectangle
which extends for 1 1/4" horizontally, starting no more than 1
3/4" from the right edge of the envelope and no deeper than 5/8"
from the top edge of the envelope. The rightmost bar must be be-
tween 1 5/8" and 2 1/8" from the right edge of the envelope.
Compare the bar locations on your test envelopes with those on a
preprinted return envelope. The position of the FIM bars
(relative to the top right corner and the position of the Pos-
tinet bars (relative to the lower right corner) should be identi-
ENVLJ - Version 7.37
Copyright 1988-1990, Steven D. Stern. All Rights Reserved.
If the bar code print location is "0,0", neither the bar code nor
the FIM code will be printer. If the bar code location is non-
zero and the FIM code location is "0,0", the bar code will be
printed, but the FIM code will not.
In any case, the FIM code will not be printed unless the zip code
is the extended (10 digit) form.
ENVLJ - Version 7.37
Copyright 1988-1990, Steven D. Stern. All Rights Reserved.
Other Stuff
Press Alt-H to get on-line help.
files distributed as a part of the ENVLJ package ("The Software")
are copyright 1988-1990 by Steven D. Stern. It is NOT placed in
the public domain.
The software is NOT free; it is distributed on a SHAREWARE basis.
The shareware concept is simple. If you use this program, you
must pay for it. If you try it and discard it, forget it.
The license fee is $25.00. Please make a check payable to
"Steven Stern" and mail it to:
Steven Stern
1213 Glencoe Avenue
Highland Park, IL 60035
What do you get for your $25.00? First of all, you are granted a
license to use the software as described below. Additionally,
you reward someone for his work and for making it available to
you. Finally, you offer encouragement for the continued distribu-
tion of software via shareware. Remember, the value of something
is not what it costs, but what it does for you.
By payment of the license fee, you are licensed to (1) use ENVLJ
for personal or business use and on no more than ONE computer at
a time. Title to this program remains at all times with Steven
D. Stern. When you paid for the software, you paid for a license
to use it; you did not purchase the program itself. The terms of
the license are quite simple. Treat this program like a book.
You may give your copy to someone else, but you may not dis-
tribute copies. The license entitles you to install the program
on more than one machine, but you may not use it on more than one
machine at a time.
Some utilities used in this program are copyright (C) 1987, JMB
Realty Corporation, and were used with permission and by the now
defunct Amber Systems, Inc., and were used under license.
The author neither accepts nor assumes any liability resulting
from your use of the software, nor does he provide any warranty
of fitness, merchantability, or anything else. YOU USE THE
The software uses interrupt 60 (hex) internally. It may, there-
fore, conflict with some TSR programs which also use 60h and do
not chain it. It does, however, work with Sidekick, CED, and
ENVLJ - Version 7.37
Copyright 1988-1990, Steven D. Stern. All Rights Reserved.
Use it in good health. Questions, suggestions, bugs: Contact
Steven Stern, CompuServe 70327,135 either via Easyplex or in the
IBM Hardware Support Forum (IBMHW), call (voice) at (312) 915-
1131, or format an envelope and send a letter to:
Steven Stern
1213 Glencoe Avenue
Highland Park, IL 60035
ENVLJ - Version 7.37
Copyright 1988-1990, Steven D. Stern. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix A
Miscellaneous Utilities
A program called CONVERT is a part of this package. It will con-
vert the data files used by ENVLJ, versions 5.0 through 5.12 into
the format used by 7.xx. To use, type:
CONVERT <file.ext>
where <file.exe> is the name of your version 5.xx data file
(usually ENVLJ.DAT). The program will rename your data file
(giving it the extension ".BAK") and build a new data file.
ENVLJ - Version 7.37
Copyright 1988-1990, Steven D. Stern. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix B
The Menus
General Menu:
Quit! Exit to DOS
Print! Print the envelope on this screen
Clear! Erase the screen and reset defaults
Options Use the data file set defaults, etc.
Address Work with Addresses
Mailing Select a mailing address
Return Select a return address
Batch Print a batch of envelopes
Add Add current address to file
Edit Edit an address already on file
Delete Delete an address from the file
Envelope Work with Envelopes
Select Select envelope type
Add Add an envelope to file
Edit Edit an envelope already on file
Delete Delete an envelope from the file
Font Work with Fonts
Select Select font type
Add Add a font to file
Edit Edit a font already on file
Delete Delete a font from the file
Defaults Choose default settings
Font Set the default font
Envelope Set the default envelope
Return Address Set the default return address
Printer Control landscape, manual feed,
add'l setup string
Grid! Print an alignment grid
Load! Use another data file
Compress! Removed deleted data from the file
Info! Information about this program
ENVLJ - Version 7.37
Copyright 1988-1990, Steven D. Stern. All Rights Reserved.
Batch Printing Menu:
Print! Print the selected envelope(s)
All Print ALL addresses
No I've had second thoughts about this
Yes Print them
Return! Return to the 'main' screen
Load! Load addresses from another data file
Quit! Exit to DOS
ENVLJ - Version 7.37
Copyright 1988-1990, Steven D. Stern. All Rights Reserved.